When you go to university, you’ll have a hectic diary of studying and socialising. There’ll...
On The Blog
Firework Displays In Bolton 2021
Bonfire Night is one of the most dazzling nights of the year, where the skies above Greater...
How To Survive Freshers
Freshers Week is exciting, yes. But with so many people to meet, places to explore, and...
Applying For Student Finance In 2021/22
Always wanted to go to university but worried your family can’t afford the cost of tuition fees...
How To Give Your Student Accommodation A More Homely Vibe
Moving into student accommodation can be a daunting step. If you’ve chosen a university that’s...
Five free apps that every student needs on their phone
Do you really ever go anywhere without your phone? Well, with an app for everything, why would...
Want to waste less food in 2021? Here are our top 3 tips!
Whether you love it or hate it, cooking for yourself is part and parcel of being a student living...
5 cooking tips and tricks for students on a budget
Let’s face it, university students aren’t known for their culinary skills – or their ability to...
Walks in and around Bolton
Due to lockdown, we’ll bet that you’ve been spending increased amounts of time at your...
Best places to eat in Bolton
Grabbing a bite to eat with friends, going on a date – even something as basic as chilling out...
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