Get in touch

How to Book

Book a room
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Arrange a viewing
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Book a room
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Arrange a viewing
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Book a room
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Arrange a viewing
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How to Book

What's the score?

Orlando Village offers a simple booking process and best of all, we don't charge any agency fees or retainers.

Please note, the contract lengths for the current academic year are 49 weeks and end on the 31st of July 2024

Book a room
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Step 1


Arrange a Viewing

After you have selected your location, you may wish to view the property. Simply click on the ‘Arrange a viewing’ button at the top of the page and fill out our form.

Once we have received your viewing form we will be in touch to confirm the viewing with you.

This is optional. If you’ve already had a viewing or do not wish to view, please skip to step 2.

Step 2


Book a Room

Click on the ‘Book a room’ button at the top of the page to select a property & room type.

You will then be taken to a booking form. This will require the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information
  • Student details
  • Guarantor details

Please note if your guarantor fails in the required checks you will need to find another guarantor to proceed with your application. We will let you know if this is the case.

Step 3


Tenancy Agreement

Once the above steps have been completed, we will issue a digital tenancy agreement. This must be signed within 7 days of being issued.

A draft of this agreement can be seen here.

Please note, if you are having issues accessing the digital document, we can also post this out to you.

Step 4


Moving In

We will send you an invite to collect your keys and move in to your new home. Please note that the start date of your tenancy agreement and the payment schedule can be found on the first page of your tenancy agreement. We will not be able to issue keys without completed paperwork.

For any terminations, please refer to the following:

Termination Policy