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Parents and Guardians

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Parents & Guardians

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Concerned about Covid-19?

Orlando Village has a full COVID-19 Policy and all students are issued with a community agreement to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities as a tenant. You can read more about this by clicking the link HERE. Orlando Village has also gone through a COVID-19 audit through Shield Safety to ensure all our policies and practice make us “Safe to Trade”. You can find out more about this scheme by clicking HERE.

Contacting us with a query of concern

Our offices are open Monday to Friday 9:00am until 5pm (excluding bank holidays) You can speak to our staff about any queries you may have about bookings, contracts or services we provide. We are not able to discuss and specific account relate issues unless the tenant has given authorisation.

Outside of these hours we have security staff on site who are able to help with any concerns that you have for a tenant. Our out-of-hours phone number is 07919573529.

Contents insurance

Contents insurance is not included in the rental fees at Orlando Village. There are several companies who specialise in contents insurance for student accommodation.


During the application process, we complete a credit check on the guarantor which should be done within the first few days of the application being submitted.

Your responsibilities as a guarantor are to help us out if the tenant is late with their rent or they don’t pay at all.  You take joint financial responsibility for the tenancy, which means you agree to pay your student’s rent if they can’t.

Moving day

You can find all the information you need about moving day in the welcome guide that has been emailed to your student. Checking in slots will be emailed to the student a month before the moving in day. Parking is available at Orlando Village throughout moving in weekend and staff are here all weekend to help with any questions you may have.

Student support

Everybody who works at Orlando Village is there to help them settle in, keep them safe and secure, and give them some support whenever they need it.

This includes our reception, cleaners and maintenance team, who keep everything running throughout the day, and our security who work around the clock to ensure your student’s safety.

We have at least two members of staff on our team who have received special-training including mental health first aid. Along with our close relationship with student services at the University, who have extensive knowledge and experience in the challenges of student life, we ensure that the right level of support can be accessed for the student.