When you go to university, you quickly have to learn how to live independently. That includes things like doing your laundry, washing up your pots and pans, cooking, and buying food for yourself. Although you might be tempted to have a Pot Noodle for quickness, or...
The largest town in Britain, Bolton is the birthplace of famous names such as comedian Peter Kay, radio DJ Sara Cox, boxer Amir Khan and steeplejack Fred Dibnah, to name just a few! The variety of talent to herald from the town reflects the diverse mix of things on...
Are you and your housemates hosting a Halloween party? Want to make your student accommodation in Bolton look spooktacular? Orlando Village is the only student accommodation provider approved and recommended by the University of Bolton. When you secure a place with...
Whether you’re in your first, second or third year at university, finding the time to juggle your studies with your social life and a part-time job can be easier said than done. But here at Orlando Village, we want to assure you that you’re not on your own....
How young people with disabilities can thrive at university University can be an exciting and challenging experience for any student. However, for those with disabilities, navigating university life can present unique obstacles that require additional support and...