When you go to university for the first time, there’ll be loads of opportunities for you to meet new people, visit new places, and try new things. Here at Orlando Village, we provide some of the best student accommodation Bolton has to offer, and are the only...
Going to university is not only about studying for your degree. It might be your first time living away from your family and home comforts – but it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to make lifelong friends and try new societies. If you’re staying at our...
Wellness Guide for University Life We understand that as a student, life can get busy, but prioritizing your wellness should be at the top of your list. University life is full of exciting experiences, and to help you make the most of it, we’ve gathered some helpful...
Hey, Bolton students! 🎓 Bonfire Night is just around the corner, and it’s time to enjoy some dazzling firework displays and cosy bonfires. Whether you’re looking for a big display to enjoy with friends or a smaller community event, we’ve got you covered with the best...
Studying at university can feel overwhelming at times, but with the right environment and a few handy hacks, you can stay productive and smash through your workload. At Orlando Village, Bolton’s premier student accommodation, you’re already set up for success!...