How To Survive Freshers

27 October 2021

Settling in tips for international students starting university in 2024
Orlando Village

Orlando Village

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Freshers Week is exciting, yes. But with so many people to meet, places to explore, and experiences to enjoy, it’s also one of the busiest and overwhelming times for first-year students.

One minute you’ll be calculating how many Jägerbombs you can afford on a shoestring budget, the next you’ll be figuring out how to use the washing machine and cook delicious meals.

Luckily, if you’ve secured a place at our student accommodation in Bolton here at Orlando Village, you’ll have access to the basic amenities and more.

Our halls are within walking distance of the town centre and main campus – so no need to venture far for a night out or a 9am lecture. And when you run out of milk or deodorant, you can either stretch your legs and walk to Aldi, Morrisons or Sainsbury’s, or jump on the bus.

We appreciate that starting university can be daunting and exciting at the same time. That’s why we thought we’d offer a few tips to ensure you come out of Freshers unscathed.

5 Essential Tips For Freshers

1.    Attend events

Freshers Week is packed with events and activities to help you make new friends, familiarise yourself with your new surroundings, and have lots of fun.

Whether you like it or not, it almost always involves some sort of fancy dress party – and dressing up is a brilliant way to get to know your new housemates or coursemates!

Deciding which events to go to can be a real headache, and the last thing you want is to get FOMO. Be savvy. Find out what’s going on in the area and get tickets for the events you think you’ll enjoy the most.

2.    Join groups and societies

If there’s one thing we urge you to do, it’s to go to the Freshers Fair and be adventurous.

Don’t be afraid to sign yourself up for clubs and societies. It could be a hobby or interest that you’ve had ever since you was a child (i.e. football, rugby, chess) or something you’ve always wanted to try but have never had the chance to.

Even if no one else at your student accommodation signs up for a club, it’s a brilliant way to meet new, like-minded people.

3.    Eat well

If you’re planning on attending Freshers events, you need to keep your energy levels up – and that means maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Ideally, you want to be eating plenty of fruit and veg. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and can help with cognitive processes and memory. Broccoli is brimming with antioxidants, as well as vitamin K which is required for blood clotting and helping wounds to heal.

Carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice are also essential. These not only give you energy but also contain vitamin E – preserving brain function and preventing neurodegeneration.

As tempting as it might be, try to avoid ordering a takeaway every week. Instead, hone your culinary skills or ask one of your housemates to teach you how to cook tasty meals in the shared kitchen.

4.    Reward yourself with some R&R

As a fresher, you’re bound to have a hectic diary of studying and socialising – but it’s important to take some time for yourself.

You could opt for a night in at your student accommodation with some tasty snacks and a good film or book. Have a pamper evening – just you, a face mask, and a cheeky glass of vino. Or you could chill in The Hub – either watching your favourite TV shows with other tenants or playing a game of table football or pool.

That’s the beauty of staying at our student accommodation in Bolton. You’ll have everything you need for a cosy night in, and your bank account will thank you.

5.    Don’t get too drunk

Enjoying a few drinks with friends is great fun. But getting so wasted that you end up being sick all over your brand new trainers (or worse, one of your housemates!), and nursing a hangover from hell the next day…not so much.

Whether you’re at a nightclub, bar, or a student’s house, you want to keep an eye on your drink at all times so you know for sure what’s in it. Never leave your glass unattended – even if you’re only nipping to the loo – and know when to stop drinking and get a taxi back to your student accommodation.

And there you have it. Follow these five tips, and you’re sure to enjoy Freshers Week!

Remember to keep yourself safe when out in town and exploring new places, and opt for a pair of comfy shoes if it’s likely you’ll be stood on your feet, queuing, for a while.

If you’d like more tips and guidance to help you survive Freshers, or to know more about our student halls, get in touch with Orlando Village today.

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