How To Study For Exams In The Summer

11 May 2022

How to study for exams in the summer - Orlando Village
Orlando Village

Orlando Village

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How to study for exams in the summer - Orlando Village

Preparing for exams in the summer? Struggling to find the motivation to do some revision? You’re not on your own.

Whilst you’re studying, your friends and family are probably enjoying days at the beach or eating and drinking in the pub beer garden. It’s completely natural to feel as though you’re missing out, but – without meaning to sound like your lecturers – it’s crucial that you knuckle down and revise if you want to get good grades.

To help make it that little bit easier for you to study without getting FOMO, the team at Orlando Village has compiled a list of do’s and don’ts for preparing for summer exams.



·         Stick to a schedule

Almost all students produce a revision timetable and incorporate all the different topics they need to cover in time for their exams. However, not many of them stick to it.


Having a schedule at hand will help you to make the most of your time, ensuring you don’t spend too long on one subject and not enough on another.


Factor in breaks to avoid cramming everything in, and try to reward yourself – i.e. have a takeaway delivered to your student accommodation in Bolton when you’ve accomplished your daily checklist, or arrange to go to the cinema with your friends.


·         Create a study space

Though we can’t speak for all providers, all of our rooms here at Orlando Village are perfectly equipped for academic students.


Each one comes with a large, comfy bed, so you can get a restful night’s sleep ahead of a busy day of studying. On top of this, we provide a desk and chair, allowing you to concentrate on your revision, instead of nodding off or being distracted by Netflix!


·         Allow yourself some “me time”

You’re bound to have a to-do list the length of your arm, but taking some time out is vital for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


After having your head buried in a book all day or drawing spider diagrams to refresh your memory, it’s worth stepping outside for some fresh air. You could go for a walk, jog, or bike ride around one of the local parks in Bolton – doing some exercise whilst making the most of the gorgeous weather.


Alternatively, you could treat yourself to a pamper evening or an early night, helping you to feel relaxed and energised for tomorrow’s tasks.



·         Cram everything in at the last minute

As we’ve mentioned already, cramming is not the way to ace your exams in the summer.


If time is of the essence and you don’t feel the slightest bit prepared, recap the subjects that you’re least confident about or those that you found the most challenging. You can bet that if you don’t review these, they’ll come up on the exam paper!


It’s also a sensible idea to use different revision materials (e.g. read over your notes before bed, watch useful videos and TV programmes, and complete practice questions).


·         Stay in your pyjamas

Although you could stay in your PJs and dressing gown whilst studying at your student accommodation in Bolton, we recommend getting up at a decent time and throwing on some clothes. Treat it like a normal day of going to campus to study.


You’d be surprised how much of an impact your clothing can have on your mindset, affecting how much work you actually get done.


·         Forget to check in on your loved ones

If your friends are also preparing for summer exams, they’re bound to be feeling pretty stressed, too. Why not give them a call or message in the group chat to see if any of them would fancy taking a brain break and grabbing an iced coffee with you?


It’s important not to keep your family in the dark, either. They know you’re busy revising for your exams, and the last thing you have time for is an hour-long FaceTime, but they care about you nonetheless and will want to know that you’re doing okay. If you don’t have the time to video call them and catch up over the phone, at least drop them a quick message.


Want to know more?

If you’ve got exams coming up soon, follow these top tips and you won’t go far wrong. Make sure you allocate yourself enough time to fit everything (and everyone) in, and more importantly, don’t beat yourself up. You can only do your best!

The team here at Orlando Village would like to wish everyone staying at our student accommodation in Bolton the very best of luck – and if there’s anything we can do to help, please get in touch.

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