How To Eat Healthy While Staying At Student Accommodation

3 November 2021

How to food shop on a budget - Orlando Village
Orlando Village

Orlando Village

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When you go to university, you’ll have a hectic diary of studying and socialising. There’ll probably be times where you’re under a lot of stress and eating on the go, and others where it’ll be easier to skip meals or grab a bite to eat from popular fast-food chains.

However, maintaining a healthy – and balanced – diet whilst studying at university will help you to feel fitter, cope with stressful situations, and perform better academically.

Cooking meals from scratch at your student accommodation in Bolton, as opposed to ordering a takeaway, will also work out cheaper in the long run. Ideal for savvy students on a budget.

If you’re staying with us at Orlando Village, either in one of our Bronze or Silver rooms, you’ll have access to a communal kitchen. The great thing about sharing a kitchen with other students is that you can make new friends whilst helping each other whip up tasty meals.

But the question is – how do you make healthy meals that taste delicious when you’re pushed for time and on a shoestring budget?

Here our experts offer a few tips to help…


7 healthy eating tips for busy students

1.    Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is often described as ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. As its name implies, it breaks the overnight fasting period, replenishing your supply of glucose and boosting your energy levels and alertness.

If you don’t have time to sit down and enjoy breakfast, grab a bagel, yoghurt, or piece of fruit on your way out the door of your student accommodation in Bolton. Don’t forget your morning coffee or fresh fruit juice, too.


2.    Keep healthy snacks handy

Staying up late cramming in some last-minute revision? Perhaps you’re rolling in at the crack of dawn after a night out in town? Whilst you might be tempted to tuck into a share bag of crisps or sweets or pick up a kebab on your walk home, your waistline (and wallet!) certainly won’t thank you.

Instead, keep your cupboards and fridge well-stocked with healthy snacks – things like dried fruit, pretzels, rice cakes, carrot sticks, low-fat yoghurt, etc. And drink a bottle of water to curb feelings of hunger.


3.    Do everything in moderation

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or preparing for the weekly shop, it’s important that you do so sensibly.

Whilst fad diets offer a quick fix for weight loss, they usually backfire and you end up craving unhealthy food more than ever before. The safest way to lose weight – and keep it off – is to eat a balanced diet alongside regular exercise.

As for food shopping, never go on an empty stomach. You’ll end up buying more than you need – meaning you’ll spend more and waste more. Always check the cupboards, fridge, and freezer before you write a list and only stock up on what you need. Don’t be lured into the ‘special buy’ aisles!


4.    Limit your alcohol intake

Going on nights out, partying with friends, and attending pub quizzes is part and parcel of going to university. But – without meaning to sound like Mum and Dad – you don’t want to get too carried away.

Alcohol contains calories, but these have no nutritional value. Drinking an excessive amount of booze – be it bottles of beer, glasses of wine, fancy cocktails, or spirits – will have a huge impact on your health. For one, you may put weight on and you could damage your kidneys and liver in the process.

Know your limits. You don’t necessarily need to go out to enjoy yourself… why not play some table tennis or table football with your housemates, or watch a film on Netflix in The Hub at our Bolton student accommodation?


5.    Be selective with fast foods

Treating yourself to a takeaway every so often is fine, as long as you eat properly the rest of the time. Oh, and make sure you choose wisely.

For example, if you’re ordering a pizza, opt for one with less cheese. As tasty as they are, try to avoid French fries and fried chicken as they tend to be high in saturated fat. If you’re out for a spot of lunch, choose a regular sized sandwich or baked potato with a nutritional filling.

As a general rule of thumb, read the menu carefully and check how many calories are in each meal.


6.    Drink plenty of water

When it comes to quenching your thirst, make water your number one choice. It’s cheap and has no calories or sugars that can damage your teeth.

Though you should look to drink at least two litres of water every day, your body may need more if you exercise regularly. With that said, it pays to carry a water bottle with you for lectures and any late-night study periods, as well as gym sessions and daily exercise.

Not a fan of the taste of water on its own? Try sparkling water, adding a slice of lemon or lime, or a splash of sugar-free cordial.


7.    Sign up to Hello Fresh

Ever considered taking advantage of the Hello Fresh meal kit delivery service? All you need to do is choose which meal plan you want – be it meat and veggies, veggie, family-friendly, calorie smart, quick and easy, or pescatarian – and have your box of ingredients and recipes delivered to your student accommodation in Bolton.

There are plenty of tasty, fresh, and easy to prepare meals included. Plus, students get 10% off every box with UNiDAYS. Just make sure you register and verify your student status to qualify. Student Beans also offer student discount – allowing you to benefit from 50% off your first recipe box, and 30% off your next three boxes.


For more tips and advice on how to keep fit and healthy whilst living away at university, get in touch with the Orlando Village team. Always on hand to help, we would love to hear from you.

Either give us a call on 01204 903 488 or email, and we’ll get back to you.

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