How to avoid freshers’ flu

24 July 2024

Man With Flu
Orlando Village

Orlando Village

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Man With Flu

With the start of university just around the corner, we bet you’re excited to see your new stomping ground for the next few years.

However, while you’re making friends, finding your favourite nightclub and getting to grips with your new surroundings, be aware of the dreaded ‘freshers flu’. 

With over 90% of first-year students catching the dreaded bug, it’s pretty impressive if you manage to dodge it. 

Here’s what you need to know – including symptoms to look out for and some tips on how to avoid it. 


What are freshers’ flu symptoms?

Don’t let the name deceive you. Freshers’ flu is much closer to a common cold in its symptoms, rather than the traditional flu. 

Freshers’ flu symptoms include:

  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Blocked or runny nose
  • Persistent cough
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea

How long does freshers’ flu last?

You’ll generally feel freshers’ flu symptoms for around two weeks, but the human body can fight off the infection within three to four days.

If you catch this pesky bug and you still feel under the weather for more than two weeks – or your symptoms are getting worse – you should consult your GP. Remember to register for the local GP when you arrive on campus so you don’t have to make that long journey home for an appointment. 


How to avoid freshers’ flu

While it may seem inevitable that you could catch freshers’ flu, there are some steps you can take to dodge the symptoms. 

Here’s how to avoid freshers’ flu:

  • Get plenty of sleep – During freshers’ week, you’ll likely have a lot of socialising to do – and plenty of late nights of course. However, lack of sleep can make catching freshers’ flu much more likely so rest up and try not to stay out until the sun comes up.
  • Eat well – Fast food, takeaways and sweet treats are a staple of early university days, but they won’t give your body the nutrients it needs to fight off illness. Maintain a balanced diet as best you can to stop you from becoming a victim of this nationwide bug. 
  • Stay hydrated – Planning on seeing what your new local pub has to offer? Make sure to balance out the alcohol with water to keep you hydrated during your time at uni, to reduce the risk of viral germs getting to you. 
  • Take a night off – Hear us out! Yes, it’s fun that your new friends want to party all night long, but you should do your body a favour and give it a rest every now and again. Stay in one or two nights and relax with a movie. Hey, your friends may even be up for that too!
  • Carry around a small hand sanitiser – From the lecture theatre, to the bar, to your flat, illness can pass via touch on any surface. Carry around a hand sanitiser with you to keep your hands clean and bacteria-free.
  • Keep your distance from others who are ill – Their symptoms may have died down, and they may want to start socialising after bed rest, but it could still be in their system, so try and keep your distance.  

How to recover from freshers’ flu

If you’ve been unlucky enough to catch freshers’ flu, there are a couple of things you can do to try and speed up your recovery.

Ditch the booze

First, lay off the alcohol completely. Allow your body time to recover and drink plenty of water to flush out the build-up of toxins. 


Make sure to get plenty of rest if you’ve been struck by freshers’ flu. Stay in your room, relax on your bed and sleep as much as you can. It’s the best thing for your body.

Pain relief

Have some paracetamol to help ease any body aches and lower a fever.

Fuel your body

We know it’s easy to order food when you’re not feeling your best, but this is the worst thing to do when you’re on the mend. Get as much fruit and veg into your system as you can and you’ll start to feel better in no time.


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