Five free apps that every student needs on their phone

13 July 2021

Orlando Village

Orlando Village

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Do you really ever go anywhere without your phone? Well, with an app for everything, why would you?

Whilst our mobile phones and the apps that make them so invaluable are arguably ruling our lives, there are times where they can make life easier – and this is certainly true for students.

New, smarter and more innovative apps are being developed every day, and for those living in student accommodation in Bolton, they can often provide much needed support.

Whether you’re looking for better ways to manage your studies, or save money, socialise, and do well in your exams all at the same time – we bet there’s an app for it, and today we’re sharing some of the best.

Make the most of your mobile with these FREE apps. . .

Student life is no walk in the park, and with all the fun and frolics also comes a hell of a lot of newfound responsibility. From learning support and organisation to money saving and communicating – here are five of our hand-selected free to use apps that might just save your life (n.b. they won’t – but they will make it a whole lot less stressful!).

#1 Evernote

Note taking just got that little bit easier.

We’ve all been there, you’re in a busy lecture hall, frantically trying to jot down the most important key points from the lecturer at the front of the room. We know how hard that can be, especially if you later rely on those notes for assignments or revision. The question is – how do you possibly get it all down in a legible way?!

Well, Evernote is the free app that works hard during your lectures to save you time later down the line. With this clever app, you can share all your notes across every device (and to other Evernote users). If you prefer to type notes into your tablet, you can simply use the app to send the files to your laptop or PC for later. Or, if you prefer to handwrite notes, simply take a quick photo and you can then use the app in the same way.

#2 SimpleMind

We’re sticking with the theme of studies with SimpleMind.

This clever app can be used both on your phone or a web browser and offers numerous options for creating an in-depth mind map – if that’s your thing!

If you’re a visual learner and get a lot out of creating a mind map, this app is for you. It offers all the tools you need with plenty of customisation options, or you can just rely on their templates.

Have a lot to get down? SimpleMind offers an incredible collapsible feature, so you can minimise branches to allow you to see everything on one screen.

#3 Google Drive

We’ve all heard of it – but are you using it?

Google Drive is not only free, but its usually already pre-installed into our devices and works on all platforms, so why are so many students not making the most out of it?

Paperless, easy to use across all devices, perfect for collaboration work, and auto-saves your work as you go (no more panicked auto-recovery!) – Google Drive is the cloud storage service that you can use for almost all aspects of your studies.

#4 Uber

Digitizing your commute.

Getting from A to B is important, and one of the great benefits we offer to those living in our student accommodation in Bolton is a fantastic location meaning you never need to go far. But, we also appreciate the importance of safety, and whether it’s a late night in the library or coming home from a night out on the town – sometimes you want to know you’re in the best hands.

Uber removes the uncertainty about travelling alone or at night and keeps costs affordable whilst reducing the risk of getting an anonymous late night taxi. Not only can you book and track your cab through the free app, but you can also see exactly who your driver is and how highly they have been rated in the past.

#5 bSafe

“Never walk alone” again.

Bolton is fantastic for a night out, whether it’s a quiet few at the local or a full blown night on the town. Nobody goes out looking for trouble or expecting to find themselves in a predicament, but it’s always best to be prepared and have a plan in place, and the bSafe app is a discreet way to offer you just that.

Free, advanced, and jam-packed with helpful features, you can have the bSafe app on your phone and with you during your night out and your walk home. This means that, in the very unlikely event that you should fall into difficulties, a friend, family member or trusted loved one can follow your progress on a map.

From the app, you can also send SOS alerts to those you have assigned as ‘guardians’ or get the app to give your phone a fake call, allowing you to pick it up and remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation.


If you’re a slave to your mobile phone, know that first of all – you’re not alone. But you may as well get the most out of it and split your attention between a few of these free useful apps in between refreshing your Insta feed. . . it’s a no brainer.

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